Build Your Engine
Chris Hinshaw
- Coached 35 Crossfit Games Champions
- Coached 50+ Crossfit Games Podium Athletes
- 10x Ironman Competitor
How To Build A Powerful Aerobic Engine?
All of the information that’s out there today is geared toward the elite athlete, That’s where the data and the research is going. It’s catering to creating fractional gains. In order to find out your specific limitation, we need to calculate your fatigue factor or the rate at which you slow down from one distance to another distance.
Find Your Unique Fatigue Factor
A fatigue factor allows you to bridge the gap between your starting pace and where you want to end up as a runner.
“You take your 400 meter time and your 1 mile time and look at the relationship between the two,” Hinshaw explains. The key is the amount your speed slows between the two distances. In the elite running community the formula is between 6-8%. In the 20,000+ general fitness enthusiasts I’ve worked with that average is 21-22%.”
Train with Precise Personalization
Ask yourself, Is this workout in the highest and the best use of my time? Doing an assessment of yourself is important, so you can take into account if it’s speed or endurance that you need to focus.
By maximizing your training and then personalizing your routines based on your fatigue factor, you’ll achieve your individual goals. Sounds simple right? While it may be more technical than you ever thought running could be, focusing in on speed or endurance rather than mindless miles has proven to make a difference.
Data Driven Programming & Results
“Rich Froning’s time went from 6:00 to 5:41 in 12 weeks just by focusing on his weakness” Hinshaw says of the elite CrossFit athlete’s 19 second improvement on his 1 mile time.”
“I’m not focused on coaching the elite specialist looking to win the Olympic Games. I specialize in coaching the fitness enthusiast looking to build confidence while efficiently and effectively maximizing their performance."
Train with the correct stimulus
Why Aerobic Capacity
training System?
take a tour of our workout app

Full Access Membership
Join the #aerobiccapacity family, gain knowledge and confidence of your aerobic fitness
5 programs driven by your unique fatigue factors
Access to private coaching videos from Chris Hinshaw
Access to 500+ unique workouts and growing
Join exclusive private community over 5500+ members
Keep up with latest training tips and programmings
Early access to preview release of program / system
Gain knowledge and confidence of your aerobic fitness
See FAQ on how to get group & military discounts
Are there any discounts for members of the Military?
We do offer permanent military discount to both active military AND former members of the U.S. Armed Forces. To qualify, please provide one of the following:
- Picture of your current or expired military identification or DD214
- Email us ( from your .mil email address
Can I license your programming for my gym?
If you are interested in licensing the programming for you gym, please fill out this form and we will contact you for more details.
Can I purchase outside of the United States?
We accept all major credit cards whether you are in the US or outside the US. Sometimes, the card has restrictions and will be declined if the transaction is out of ordinary or suspicious. You need to call your credit card company to have the restrictions removed and and try to purchase again.
Can anyone participate?
Yes and No. This program is designed for CrossFit coaches, trainers, and athletes of all levels. No prior experience with endurance coaching and training is required to participate. However, you do need to be in good health and should always seek clearance with a doctor before starting any exercise activity.
Credit card declined
Declines can happen for a variety of reasons. When a charge is submitted to the customer’s bank, they have automated systems that determine whether or not to accept the charge. These systems take various signals into account, such as your customer’s spending habits, account balance, and card information like the expiration date and CVC.
Since these signals are constantly changing, a previously successful card might be declined in the future. Even if all of the card information is correct, and you previously had a successful payment, a future charge can still be declined by a bank’s overzealous fraud systems.
Credit card error
Most often when we see Credit Card errors it is a result of one of two things.
Our merchant service provider recommends the following:
“If all of the card information seems correct, it is best to have the customer contact his or her bank, inquire for more information, and ask for future charges to be accepted.”
Do you have marathon training program?
We currently only have half marathon program included in the membership, marathon program should be available soon!
Do you have monthly membership option?
Getting you the results is our top priority. Since all of our programs have a minimum of 3 months in duration, we are asking a minimum of 3 months commitment! Depending on your starting situation, first results can be expected after 2 to 3 months of consistent training and proper recovery.
Do you offer 1-on-1 coaching?
Not at this time. What is unique about the training system is it personalizes your pacing based on your fatigue factor, so we can provide an effective and affordable solution to help you achieve your goal. This system is what he uses to get his athletes ready for the games.
Does the program contains modalities such as rowing, biking, SkiErg?
Currently the program is programmed in running only. However, we do have advice on how to translate the pacing into different modalities.
Failed credit card transaction
Our system automatically bills our subscribers depending on their billing cycle. If by any chance the charge fails, our system automatically retries after one day. If our system fails again, it will automatically retry after 3 days. After 3 failed attempts, your account will be closed due to failed payment.
How do I get group discount?
We offer a 20% off group discount for a group of 5 or more. Please send all of the group members' emails and names when they are ready to sign up to
How do I send software feedback or bugs?
To get quick answers on technical questions, you can find them at You are a paying customer, so you can utilize the intra-platform email for a follow-up answer. Access support via the top right message icon on the homepage after you log in.
If I sign up for a plan, do I have to pay the fee up front or is it a monthly fee?
Aerobic Capacity Training System is a subscription service with 3 different commitments:
- Monthly at a higher per month fee basis.
- Biannual, with a cheaper per month net cost, billed up front and then every 6 months.
- Annual, with the biggest savings, billed upfront, recurring on the next year’s billing date.
I’m injured or unable to train at the moment. Can I put my membership on hold?
We do have ability to pause your membership. You will be able to pause anytime up to 6 weeks via Manage Subscription menu option. Feel free to reach out to us if you need to extend beyond that period.
What happens if I miss a workout?
We are evaluating your progress on a weekly basis. The programmed workouts must be completed within a week period to move forward to the following week. The Aerobic Capacity program is a weekly progression that must be followed to maximize the results.
When can I combine this program with my existing CrossFit training?
This program is designed to be combined with your existing CrossFit training. There are 2 weekly workouts that have been proven to develop substantial performance gains in the everyday athlete up to the CrossFit Games Champion. By default, you will be enrolled into "Running: Develop Your Engine & Stamina" to start. It’s designed to build up your resistance to fatigue and provides personalized run pacing goals after baseline runs are inputted. Once you have the foundation, you can use the add on, "General Endurance and General Speed", to build up the volume (be able to run longer).
Where do I find the mobile app to download?
Here are the download links
iOS -
Android -
Will Chris share his Games athlete programming methodology?
Chris uses the same assessment and programming method for every athlete he coaches. It should be regarded that while Chris has had enormous success with CrossFit Games athletes, he has had the same success with other athlete types throughout his 30+ years of experience.
Will my workouts be personalized?
All workouts in our system will be personalized based on your latest performance testing data. This is why we built the training system - To bring his meticulously crafted methodology to the masses.
Will your Aerobic Capacity programming reduce my overall strength?
None of the elite or recreational athletes have experienced any reduction in their max lifts. In fact, every athlete has continued to set new personal records. In many cases, those PR's occur on the same day a workout is performed. For example, Rich Froning, after winning the CrossFit Games 4x, set PR's in his vertical jump, back squat, deadlift and clean during his first 16 weeks of programming. Another example, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet started working with Chris in June 2013. Almost one year after winning the 2014 CrossFit Games, Camille performed a 6800m track workout; 3 hours later she hit a personal record in her snatch at 200lbs. Lastly, Mat Fraser ran 3x(3x600m) in 2:15 with 40-second rest between reps and 4 minutes rest between rounds; 3 hours later he hit a personal record with his clean at 375lbs. Three months later, Mat won his first of five CrossFit Games while working with Chris.